Monday, September 5, 2016

The Revelation.... I'm Allergic to What?!?!

What is an Allergista, you ask??  It's someone with food (or other)  allergies, that is facing the challenge head on and doing his/her best to ROCK it!  But, let's rewind, and go back to the beginning...

This all started with illness, lots of recurrent illnesses that just wouldn't get better.   I had infections, and respiratory problems, and stomach problems.  Every week something new would crop up,  I had recurrent congestion, and I was going to the doctor's office all the time.  It seemed like my immune system was shot, and I just couldn't figure out what was going on.  Eventually, I developed asthma.  Finally, after two courses of Prednisone, continued respiratory distress, and a lot of tears, I asked to see an allergist- BEST DECISION EVER!  Seriously- one thing I will say- advocate for yourself!  I have often found that doctors just treat the current concern, and don't always seek to find the underlying cause.  Speak up- state your concerns- and request referrals.

Fast forward, I went to see an allergist, and they took about a ton of blood.... That might be an exaggeration. They actually took 4 vials of blood and sent them off to test for 40 different allergens. The test took 4 weeks to come back, so in the meantime, they started me on asthma medications- Hooray!  The asthma medications started to help quickly, and I was feeling better.

4 weeks passed, and I went back to get my results.. and let me tell you- they were surprising.  I expected to have allergies to dust and mold, some environmental stuff, and maybe pet dander (which terrified me because I am an ANIMAL LOVER).  I did end up having allergies to most weeds, grasses, and trees- which I expected.  I did NOT have allergies to dust mites or mold- weird?!

But then came the real shocker- all the food allergies! Now, let me state for the record- I am a food addict.  Not even joking, I have been to therapy and Overeaters Anonymous to try to deal with my food addictions.  So, needless to say, finding out I had food allergies- was not the happiest revelation. But just wait- it gets better... What am I allergic to you ask??  Wheat, Corn, Soy, Rice (WHAT??- Who's allergic to rice?), Eggs, Peanuts and Tomatoes.....  Just let that sink in for a minute.... Corn (as in corn syrup) and Soy (ever heard of soy lecithin?) and Wheat are in EVERYTHING!  Seriously, start reading food labels- it is shocking!  Now, to top that all off, I've got the rice allergy- the MOST common flour substitute in gluten-free products is rice flour, so that means most gluten-free products are out for me.

Needless to say, it has been quite a change to my life, and 6 months later, I am still figuring out what foods work for me, and which ones don't.  It is difficult to find packaged foods that are free of my allergens, and eating in restaurants is a challenge.  Fortunately, I love to cook and bake and enjoy experimenting with various substitutions. That's where the idea for this blog came along!  I would love to share my findings and recipes with others who are struggling with food allergens.  It has been amazing how much better I feel since cutting allergens out of my life, and I want to help others that are dealing with the same problems.  Then I thought- if I'm doing a blog, why not share about some of my other interests and things that are important to me??  I will be covering other fun topics such as body positivity, plus-size fashion (cuz I'm a curvy girl who loves clothes!)
and natural living.

Please join me on my journey- I plan to post recipes, substitution ideas, companies that avoid most allergens, and general information that I find about allergies.   For those of you that are more interested in my other topics, stay tuned!

~Erin the Allergista~

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